Hello World Sample Using SB Consle

Hello World Sample Using Oracle Service Bus console (OSB)

Steps for creating HelloWorld Sample using SB Console.

1.       Create an XML Schema as mentioned below or copy the in notepad and save it as “HelloWorld.xsd”

  <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"

targetNamespace="http://nisar.blogspot.com/HelloWorld"       xmlns:tns="http://nisar.blogspot.com/HelloWorld" elementFormDefault="qualified">

<xsd:complexType name="HWRequestType">
                <xsd:sequence>  <xsd:element name="Name" type="xsd:string"></xsd:element> </xsd:sequence>

   <xsd:complexType name="HWResponseType">
<xsd:sequence>  <xsd:element name="Greeting" type="xsd:string"></xsd:element> </xsd:sequence>

  <xsd:element name="HelloWorldRequest" type="tns:HWRequestType"></xsd:element>
  <xsd:element name="HelloWorldResponse" type="tns:HWResponseType"></xsd:element>

2.       Login into Oracle Service Bus SBConsole http://locahost:7001/sbconsole
3.       Click on “Create” option in the Change center of SB Console.

4.       Expand the Project Explorer and Enter New Project Name as “ HelloWorld” and click Add Project.

5.       In Project Explorer open Newly create folder “ HelloWorld”
6.       Create 2 folders under HelloWorld Project folder and name as “Pxy” and “XSD”.
7.    Open the xsd Folder, under Resources->Create Resource->Select Resource Type select “XML Schema” Option.
8.    Browse the XML Schema created in the 1st Step and save.
9.    Open the Pxy Folder, Under Resources->Create Resource->Select Resource Type->Service select “Proxy Service” Option to create a proxy service.
10. In the “General Configuration” enter Service name as “ HWProxy” and Service Type option as “Message Service” and click Next.
11. In the “ Message Type Configuration” “XML” for Request and Response Message Type. Click
Last” and “Save

12. Edit the Message Flow option Under Actions  of the Proxy service Created.
13.  Left click the icon “HWProxy” and click “Add Pipeline Pair” option to pipeline pair.

14.  Add Stages to the “Request Pipeline” and “ Response Pipeline” by left click and choosing “AdD Stage” option.
15.  Left Click and Edit the Stage of “Request Pipeline” and from Message Processing  options Select “Assign”
16. Click assign Expression to open up XQuery/XSLT Expression Editor.
17.  Select “Variable Structure” tab on the left and under select structure Select “body”.
18. Copy the Expression in the Editor “ $body/hel:HelloWorldRequest/hel:Name “ validate and Save it.
19.  In the “to Variable” box enter  “name” Validate and Save and back to the Message Flow.
20.  Now similarly edit Stage of Response pipeline and from message processing option select “replace”
21.  Edit the replace expression and insert “.” In variable type “ body” and edit with expression as below validate and save and in the replace action select  Replace node content” option.

22. This completes the Hello World Example using Oracle Service Bus. The flow should look like below.
23.  Save à Save à Activate the changes in the change center.
24.  Click on the Bug icon of the proxy service to launch the test console.
25. Insert desired text in place of string and execute.


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